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  • As soon as you click on Begin Secure Order Now, you will be taken to our secure server.

  • If you order online, you will receive your registration code to enter into the trial version as soon as your order completes.

  • FreeCell Wizard is for Windows. However, order FreeCell Wizard and you get FreeCell Plus for Mac OS X free. FreeCell Plus for Mac OS X contains FreeCell and several other games.

  • We offer an unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee! If for any reason you are not satisfied with FreeCell Wizard , you can return it for a refund.

  • We will not sell or give your personal information to anyone.

  • For an additional US$9.95 shipping you can receive our CD-ROM that will install the latest version.

  • Comments, questions, problems? Contact us at orders@goodsol.com.

  • If you have already ordered FreeCell Wizard and have lost your registration code, see our Lost Code Lookup form.

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FreeCell Wizard

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